C (188/301)

From:Colin Wenzel
Date:15 Aug 99 at 04:35:51
Subject:Re: How do a get the current time/date without using ReadBattClock()

On 14-Aug-99, Dominic Clifton wrote:
>From: Dominic Clifton <dominicc@barrysworld.co.uk>
>How do you get the current time/data in packed format without
>using the ReadBattClock() function ?
>(The result must bea ULONG containing the seconds since Jan 1, 1978, not
>Jan 1, 1970)

Just read the system clock...

I shall include the source code for a module of mine....
You may use it if you like.

However, be warned, I use a K&R standard C compiler,
you may have to change the syntax slightly to get it to compile.

Here are the docs:
(ulong) system_time( ulong );

seconds = system_time( NULL ); /* read system time */
seconds = system_time( seconds ); /* set system time to 'seconds'

Colin Wenzel. Queensland, Australia.
EMAIL: colstv@hotkey.net.au
URL: http://www.hotkey.net.au/~colstv/

'AMIGA' 4000T With CS-III 68060 / 50Mhz 150Mb RAM.

@{fg shine}There should be a file system_time.c included with this guide.@{fg text}